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A Chaplet of Divine Mercy also for pregnant women and unborn children who, if destined to abortion, are condemned in body and soul.

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A Chaplet of Divine Mercy also for pregnant women and unborn children who, if destined to abortion, are condemned in body and soul.


In virtue of the authority (Mt 16:19) and the mission (Jn 20:21; Mt 28:19) received, the Church, according to the divine plan (cf Eph 1:3-22), is "always and everywhere" an extension of the mercy of Jesus who, with His victory over sin, "ante and post partum", has given us greater blessings (CCC 420). In particular, the Church is merciful presence to each mother, even she who is bound latae sententiae (Can. 1398), because in case of her death, for the sake of the child still living in her womb who can be baptized, "the prohibition is suspended" (Can. 1335). So, failing the Baptism of water, it takes place, at the behest of the Church (CCC 1257-1258), "the desire for Baptism" which, if formulated in such an emergency for the child destined to abortion, brings "ante et post partum" the fruits of Baptism, even if it is not a sacrament; the mother, reconciled with God, is given, thus, against any obsessive and deadly depression, the possibility of embracing one day her child aborted in the Kingdom of undying life (Acts 10:2-48; 16:31-33; 16:15-18. 8; 1 Co 1:16; 15-29). Nowhere it is written that, while in his mother's womb, the unborn child is excluded from the baptism mandate (Mt 28:19). Indeed, being a person from conception (Dignitas personae, no. 1; Bull Ineffabilis Deus on the Immaculate), the embryo, "ante partum" and from conception, «like every other person not yet baptized», «is able to receive Baptism» (Compendium of the CCC, no. 257). Therefore, from the mother's womb, the embryo "must be defended in its integrity, like every other human being" (CCC no. 2323, Can. 871). Jesus, who is the only Saviour of mankind (Dominus Iesus), was an unborn child of just a few (five or six) days (Lk 1:38; Jn 1:14), when He sanctified in a hurry, "festinanter", little John the Baptist, who had been an unborn child for six months in Elizabeth's womb, a pregnant woman in trouble due to her old age (Lk 1:44-45). Each child not baptized is a "non-child", not only for the human family but also for the Church and the Heavenly Father; so much that, before establishing Baptism as the "ordinary way" of salvation (Jn 3:4-5; Mt 28:19), Jesus himself said to his disciples: «Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones…So it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost» (Mt 18:10.14; cf Mt 19:14; Mk 10:14; Lk 18:16; CCC 1257).

The chaplet of "Divine Mercy", therefore, along with the concrete assistance from the State and the Church, will be a comfort to pregnant women in difficulty, avoiding themselves and their unborn children – especially those destined to abortion, who among the littlest ones are the most defenceless and in need of mercy – to be sentenced twice: in physical life, because of abortion, and in spiritual life, because of non-baptism. For the good life of the Gospel, human rights, in fact, do not begin "outside" but "inside the womb", with the conception of the person "willed for its own sake in the image and likeness of the living and holy God" (CCC 2319). In fact, in His mercy and as the fulfilment of His plan of salvation (Is 7:14; Mt 1:23), "Yahweh himself", through His angel (Mt 1:20-21), came to the rescue of pregnant Mary and unborn Jesus that they be protected by Joseph (Mt 1:24) and not abandoned (Mt 1:19).


Chaplet of the "Divine Mercy" for pregnant women and unborn children in difficulty.


(Opening prayers): Our Father, Hail Mary, Apostles' Creed.

* On the Our Father beads are recited the following words:

"Eternal Father, (also for pregnant women in difficulty and unborn children able to be baptized, especially those destined to abortion) I offer you, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary Dawn of the New World, Star of evangelization, our Co-Redeemer and Mother of the Church, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world".

* On the Hail Mary beads are recited the following words:

"For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy (on pregnant women in difficulty and unborn children able to be baptized, especially those destined to abortion and have mercy) on us and on the whole world".

* At the end pray three times:

"Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy (on pregnant women in difficulty and unborn children able to be baptized, especially those destined to abortion and have mercy) on us and on the whole world".

* And finally:

O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus (united to the blood gushed from the wounded face of Mary of Arc and of the Annunciation) as a source of Mercy (also for pregnant women and unborn children able to be baptized) for us: I trust in You! (Traduzione,  Katia Di Ruocco)





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